University of Delhi

NAAC Grade A++ with CGPA 3.71 NIRF Rank # 12 (Amongst Colleges)

Global Association of Economics Education India, Hansraj College

Global Association of Economics Education India, Hansraj College

About the society

GAEE India is the first regional chapter of the  Global Association of Economics Education in India, headquartered at  Hansraj College, Delhi University. GAEE India has opened 10 college  chapters with 400+ students in the network. We are a student-led non-governmental not-for-profit organization providing a full-spectrum  platform to empower students with Economics Education, Financial Literacy, and Entrepreneurship Incubation.
Our parent organization, The Global Association of Economics Education is a not for profit organization based out of Massachusetts, USA. GAEE currently operates in eight countries and is affiliated to  the United Nations Economic and Social Council, one of the six principal organs of the United Nations. It also receives support from and has partnered with the World Economics Association,  Techsoup, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and several universities  across the globe. 

Core Team

Faculty Members

  • Convenor : Dr. Shailu Singh

Student Coordinator

  • Chairperson : Mansha Gadi
  • Vice Chairperson : Kanishka Jindal
  • Executive Director : Khush Dembla
  • General Secretary : Nidhi Batra

Pictures of events organised
