University of Delhi
NAAC Grade A++ with CGPA 3.71 NIRF Rank # 12 (Amongst Colleges)The constitution of Staff Council is as per OrdinanceXVIII S.No. 6(pg. 414-416) and the details are as follows:
(1) There shall be a Staff Council in every College.
(2) All the members of the teaching staff, the Librarian and the Director Of Physical Education shall constitute the Staff Council.
(3) Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Statutes and theOrdinances of the University, the Principal shall act as Principal-in-CouncilIn respect of matters on which Staff Council is required to take decisions.
(4) (a) The Principal shall be ex-officio Chairman of the Staff Council.
(b) The Council shall elect its Secretary, who shall hold office for aterm of one year. The Secretary may be re-elected for a second term but noperson shall hold office of Secretary for more than two consecutive terms.
(5) (a) Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Statutes and theOrdinances of the University, the Staff Council shall take decisions inrespect of the following matters:
(b) Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Statutes and theOrdinances of the University, the Staff Council shall make recommendationsin respect of the following matters :
Note : The administrative staff of the College will not be within thepurview of the Staff Council.
B. (a) The Staff Council shall function through Committees appointed by the Council. Ordinarily
C. The rules relating to the conduct of meetings of the Staff CouncilShall be in accordance with the Regulations laid down in this behalf
Year | Chairperson | Secretary |
2024-25 | Prof. Rama | Prof. Jyoti Bhola |
2023-24 | Prof. Rama | Prof. Jyoti Bhola |
2022-23 | Prof. Rama | Dr. Amit Sehgal |
2021-22 | Prof. Rama | Dr. Amit Sehgal |
2020-21 | Prof. Rama | Ms. Amita Aggarwal |
2019-20 | Prof. Rama | Ms. Amita Aggarwal |
2018-19 | Prof. Rama | Ms. Shailu Singh |