Ward quota round III Selected Applicants |
Special Drive 3 Master Merit List |
Vacant Seats status as on 3rd Dec, 2021 |
Special Drive 3 Admission Cut-off List (2021-2022) |
Ward Quota Round 2 List |
Special Drive 2 Merit List of Selected Applicants |
Special Drive 2 Admission Cut-off List (2021-2022) |
Vacant Seats status as on 23rd Nov, 2021 |
Corrigendum Special Drive Merit List |
Second Addendum Special Drive 1 List |
Special Drive 1 Merit List Addendum |
Course Wise Merit list under the Special Drive 1 |
Ward Quota List Master file |
Ward Quota List for Teaching and Non Teaching Internal |
Ward Quota list Teaching and Non Teaching University of Delhi |
Special Drive List |
Corrigendum to Special Drive |
Vacant Seats status as on 13th Nov, 2021 |
Fifth Admission Cut-off List (2021-2022) |
Fourth Admission Cut-off List (2021-2022) |
Admission Status upto Third Cut-off 2021-22 |
Special Admission Cut-off List (2021-2022) |
The ward quota admission process has been postponed till further notice by the Dean Admissions Office |
Third Admission Cut-off List (2021-2022) |
Admission status as on 12th Oct, 2021 |
Admission Status as on 11th Oct, 2021 |
Second Admission Cut-off List (2021-2022) |
Admission Status - UG Admission 2021-22 |
Undertaking for OBC Non Creamy Layer / EWS Income and Asset Certificate |
Undertaking for SC/ST/PwBD Certificate |
First Admission Cut-off List (2021-2022) |
Guidelines for UG Merit Based Admissions |
Sports Quota Seats 21-22 |